- 2024
2024 Annual Conference - Thursday, October 24, 2024
- Enhancing Adaptive Management through GIS Dashboard Integration - Presented by Erik Joost and Ryan
- A Case Study on Watershed-Based Approaches and Modeling Strategies for Nutrient Permit Compliance - Presented by Jeff Smudde and Brent Brown
- Fermentation - When Given Lemons, Make Lemonade - Presented by Travis Anderson and Randy Langer
- Sun Dried Biosolids - Presented by Jeremy Cramer
- Optimizing Plant Expansions: A comprehensive Overview of the Capacity Expansion at Evansville East WWTF. - Presented by David Wichman
- Process Upgrades for Bio-P - Presented by Greg Droessler and Greg Richter
- Characterization of PFAS in Wastewater; A More Comprehensive Study - Presented by Charles Neslund
- PFAS 101. How it Impacts You: The History, Regulations, Treatment - Presented by Tonya Chandler
- Can (Supercritical) water be the solution to our PFAS problem? - Presented by Sudhakar Viswanathan
- Optimizing Energy Efficiency in Biosolids Drying - Presented by Joe Kottwitz & Joe Cantwell
- Working with Industrial Discharges - Presented by Tony Roche and Jesse Hass
- No Longer "Out of Sight, Out of Mind" Force Main Condition Assessment - Presented by Randy Langer and Ryan Yentz
- Two for One” Modernizing SCADA during a Process Upgrade - Presented by Kevin Berg
- SCADA Cyber Security and Electrical Maintenance Review - Presented by Lance Teunissen
- Maintaining a Small Community’s Electrical Assets - Presented by Paul Zouski
- Advanced Treatment with Chemical Conditioning and Disc Filtration in Low-Limit Effluent Phosphorus Application - Presented by Kris August and Celeste Osterloh
- Untangling the Wastewater Web: What Do We Really Know About Microthrix? - Presented by Ethan Yen
- Sludge Does a 360, and it’s Not What Your’re Thinking - Presented by Emily Vebber and Alex Zenner
- Screenless IFAS System Eliminates Media Loss and Reduces O&M Costs for the City of Peterborough WWTP - Presented by Lauren Takitch
2024 Annual Conference - Wednesday, October 23, 2024
- Can’t we all just get along? – How to work better with your team and a variety of personality styles using DISC. - Presented by Meredith Polar
- Primary Filtration for Improved Carbon Diversion to Meet Treatment Goals - Presented by David Diehl & Chris Waul
- LOD's - The What's, They Whey's and the How's! - Presented by Autumn Farrell & Patricia Doerflinger
- 5-Card Flush – Your Winning Hand to Wastewater Funding & Stakeholder Support Art - Presented by Bahr & Ben Andrews
- Biosolids Management Emerging Trends & Future Considerations - Presented by Greg Gunderson, MSA
- Dissolved Oxygen Concentrations: If some is good, why isn’t more better? Presented by Troy Larson & Jonessa Ruhl
- Ask the Auditor: Bring Us Your Lab & Audit Questions - Presented by Tom Trainor, Brandy Baker-Muhich, Autumn Farrell & Patricia Doerflinger
- How the Wi Water Quality Trading Clearinghouse can benefit wastewater treatment facilities - Presented by Chris Murphy
- Falsification: A Shared Responsibility - Presented by Rick Mealy & Jeff Mayou
- Cutting Edge Nutrient Removal Approaches: Simplified Descriptions for Ops - Presented by Bill Marten, Donohue
- The First Wisc. Water Quality Trading Clearinghouse Trade: Stephensville Sanitary District Case Study - Presented by Dave Arnott
- Pile It Higher and Deeper: Case Studies for Modifying Dewatered Biosolids Storage Facilities - Presented by Kathleen Hassing
- Alternative Delivery Method Proves Beneficial to Watertown - Presented by Jon Butt
- Considerations for Maintaining the Correct Biosolids Stabilization Process for Your Current Situation - Presented by Ryan Yentz and Jonessa Ruhl
- Low DO...How low can we go? Low-Energy Nutrient Removal - Presented by Ethan Yen
Government Affairs Seminar Presentations - February
Spring Biosolids Symposium
- PFAS & Biosolids - Tim Ryan
- PFAS Impack at Marinette WWTP - Warren Howard
- PFAS Impact at WWTPs in Wisconsin - Vanessa Wishart
- Soil Investigation Report - Cece Rednicki
- Field Evaluations - Zac Thompson
- Case Study on Solar Powered Dryer - Jeremy Cramer
- Septage and Biosolids Storage Planning and Implemenation - Alan Kaddatz
- Septage and Biosolids Storage Planning and Implementation - Corey and John Bowen
- Nitrogen Mineralization Rate Studies - Faith Zangl-Weise
- Effect of Heat Treatment on fate of PFAS in Biosolids - Pat McNamara
- Biosolids Handling at NEW Water - Aaron Eichhorst
- Characterization of PFAS in Biosolids - Martye Griffin
- Economic Impact of Septage - Lyle Lutz
- 2023
Government Affairs Seminar Presentations - March
Wastewater Microbiology and Microscopy Training - September
- 2022
LMD Presentations - March
- Village of Valders biological Phosphorus Removal Aeration & Mixing upgrade with Chemical Addition
- Town of Liberty Sanitary District #1
- Business Meeting Minutes
Spring Biosolids
- 2021
LMD Presentations - December
- CLEARAS Robert's WWTP & Other Project Updates
- What's the deal with E coli - Part one
- Drowning in Project Costs Consider Funding
LMD Presentations - May
- Anaerobic Digestion 101 Do's and Dont's v0.pdf
- NR149 Update Registered Base 4 Tests presentation.pdf
West Central District Meeting Presentations - May
- Bryan Woo (Ovivo): "Aerobic Digesters: Control & Monitoring Techniques”
- WWOA - UV Troubleshooting Matt Fritze.pdf
- WWOA Section Meeting - Hudson WWTF presentation 051021.pdf
NR149 Update Webinar - March
Spring Biosolids Symposium
- Advanced Oxidation_Mussari.pdf
- Biosolids Manager Tools-Tech_Erdman-Hollfelder.pdf
- Class A Biosolids_Lefebvre.pdf
- DNR Update_Hegeman.pdf
- Land App Site Request Form_Warner.pdf
- Perform Capacity Improve_Unattended Operation_Vinz-Trelevel.pdf
- PFAS Overview_Ramey.pdf
- Pharma M-pollutants Antibiotics in Biosolids_McNamara.pdf
- Septage Business Field Audits_Dremel.pdf
- SNAP Plus_Meyer.pdf
- USEAP Update_Resek.pdf
- PFAS_WWTF Perspective_Griffin.pdf
- Standard Methods-Sewage Sludge_Mealy.pdf
- PFAS_DNR Perspective_Strickland.pdf
Government Affairs Seminar
- Basics of Permitting_Strickland.pdf
- Biosolids Land Application_Strauss.pdf
- Covid19 Impacts on DNR_Garbe.pdf
- DNR Updates-Awards-Knutson_Stocks.pdf
- Facilities and Power of Virtual Roundtables_Becken.pdf
- Funding Options for WWTPs_Kruschel.pdf
- Laws_Regulations Put Into Action_Wishart.pdf
- Triennial Standards Review_Williams-Minahan.pdf
- Paddock Lake Chloride Reduction_Johnson-Popanda.pdf
LMD Virtual Meeting - February
- 2020
Annual Virtual Conference
- Construction, Commissioning and Start Up of the Village of ABNRTM
- Alternative Grit System Design Approaches
- Energy Recovery at New Water
- Evaluation of Aerator Replacement vs. Fine Bubble Aeration
- Got a Minute? I have a Quick Generator Question
- Aeration Efficiency: Reduce your Energy Bill by 50%
- Lifting the Fog from FOG Receiving
- Fats, Oil and Grease, Oh My
- Roxbury Sanitary District I&I Reduction Project, A Case Study
- Community Implemented Sanitary Lateral Replacement Programs
- Artificial Intelligence is Very Real: Optimization through Automation
- SCADA Hardware and Software Maintenance – The New Reality
- How to get a Lagoon to Comply with Low P Limits
- Using Process Modeling Software to meet stringent nutrient limits in Lagoon Based Treatment Systems
- Land Application Education: What Operators can learn from Farers about Biosolids Management
- Leveraging Data to Optimize Treatment
- Industrial Discharge Control Programs
- How are the seven MBBR/IFAS retrofit plants in Wisconsin working today?
- What’s New with PFAS and is it Going to Affect your System?
- PFAS – Treatment and Concern
- Forever Chemicals – Science vs. Regulation
- Innovation in Water Treatment – PFAS Removal by Aqueous Electrostatic Concentration (AEC)
- Achieving Ultra-Low Phosphorus and sNRP Removal Using Reactive Filtration
- Designing an Algae-Based Nutrient Recovery System
- Theory and Practice of Chemical Phosphorus Removal Implementation at Small WWTFs
- Using Reactive Filtration to Achieve Ultra-Low Phosphorus and Metals Targets
- Real World Considerations for Pump Design, Operation and Troubleshooting
- Wastewater and Process Flow Measurement: Tips, Tricks, and Lessons Learned
- A Roller Coaster Tour of Nitrification in Operation
Virtual Training Webinars
- June 18th Process Control.pdf
- June 4th Submersible Pump O_M.pdf
- June 4th_SubPumpOpMaint_MZ.pdf
- May 21st WI DNR Updates Presentation.pdf
- May 26th Water Quality Trading.pdf
- May 6th Anaerobic Digestion.pdf
LMD Sturgeon Bay
- 2019
Annual Conference - Green Bay
- 2019 Tricks of the Trade.pdf
- A2 Larry Henderson PE A2 Cell Lysing Ultrawaves.pdf
- B2 Steve McCuskey_B2_VEGA - WWOA presentation Steve McCuskey.pdf
- D2 Kyra Peach_D2_Peach_Not final version_2019_WRWA - City of Baraboo.pdf
- D3 WWOA Cramer.pdf
- D4 Allen Williams - D4_UniqueThickeningDewatering 2019-10-09.pdf
- E1 Rusty Schroedel_E1_Schroedel_Grit.pdf
- E2_20190913 WWOA Primary Sludge Grit Removal.pdf
- E3 Gunderson Headworks Presentation WWOA 2019.pdf
- F1 Jon Butt - WWOA 2019 presentation.pdf
- F3_Dean LaFleur_Valders WI Energy Saving BioP Upgrades WWOA 2019 - 9-9-19 (to WWOA).pdf
- G WWOA 2019- Strength of Diversity in Wastewater.pdf
- G1 Nicole Kruschel - WWOA Presentation-Can't Digest the Cost of Your Upgrade.pdf
- H1 Jim Orr - WWOA Clarifer Talk.pdf
- I1 Matt Castillo_I1ClothMediaCastillo.pdf
- I2 Eric Lynne - Session I2_Medford Filter Project WWOA v09-09-2019.pdf
- J1 Jerry Foellmi_J1_GEC JAF Presentation.pdf
- J2 Mark Grabowski - J2_2019_09-15_Off Road Sewer Cleaning_Grabowski and Ward.pdf
- Jeff WWOA Alternative Energy.pdf
- K1 Laura Dietrich_K1_RegulationsPollutantVariances_WWOA2019.pdf
- K2 2019 Sewer User Charge Presentation WWOA.pdf
- L1 Ryan Hennessy_L1_Stress and Toxicity in Wastewater RH MCO.PDF
- M1 -WWOA Nagle-Godfrey-06.pdf
- M2_Steven Bruskiewicz - M3WWOA Presentation 2019_green bay.pdf
- O1_2019 WWOA - SCADA Networks - Mysteries Revealed.pdf
- O2 Kyle Engelking - O2KyleEngelkingCollections.pdf
- O3 Alex Sukupcak - O3AlexSukupcakvGIS.pdf
- Q2 Kim Murdock - Q2_Biogas Upgrading for Pipeline Injection and Vehicle Fuel.pdf
- Q3_2019 WWOA - Got a Minute_I have another quick generator question.pdf
- Q4 Joe Cantwell Focus on Energy_WWOA Presentation_092719.pdf
- R1_Biogas-Efficiency through New Technologies.pdf
- Tom Foley_E2_20190913 WWOA Primary Sludge Grit Removal.pdf
- UV Basics, adoption and advancements in UV Technology WWOA .pdf
- WWOA 2019 - Sundridge SAGR.pdf
- WWOA PreCon-2019- NR149Update.pdf
- Dave Hart Farewell WWOA_Multi Instrument Stream Surveys.pdf
Southeast Regional Meeting
Spring Biosolids Symposium
LMD Meeting - December
- Causes vs. Problems Weyauwega WWOA 2019.pdf
- Innovative Lagoon Wastewater Treatment - Delivering the Complete Solutions through Modeling.pdf
- PFAS Overview - Lake MI WWOA Meeting 12-12-19_willisdnr.pdf
- Wastewater Screening Options - WI Wastewater Operators Association Lake Michigan District.pdf
Government Affairs Seminar
- Session1-1RussRasmussen.pdf
- Session1-2AmberMeyerSmith.pdf
- Session1-3KaraOConnor.pdf
- Session2-1TomTrainor.pdf
- Session2-2MattClaugherty.pdf S
- Session2-3DaveArnott.pdf
- Session2-4BrianHelminger.pdf
- Session2-5AlonzoKelly-1.pdf
- Session3-1JerryDeschane.pdf
- Session3-2JenniferWarner.pdf
- Session3-3VanessaWishart&PaulKent.pdf
- Session3-4LauraDietrich.pdf
- Session4-1KimMeyer.pdf
- Session4-2BillSchaumberg.pdf
- Session4-3JasonKnutson.pdf
- 2018
Annual Conference - Lake Geneva
- 2018WWOA Session J-2 All Lab Questions Answered Rick Mealy.pdf
- A1 Sustainability in Infrastructure_Presentation_Final Montpas.pdf
- A2 RBC - Crouse Marten Reel.pdf
- B-1_GOOD, BETTER, BEST OR BEST FIT_Steven Muther.pdf
- B2 OrthoP Monitoring and P Removal Control - Robert Smith.pdf
- C1_SamHocevar_Excel.pdf
- C2 IIoT Joe Finn.pdf
- D2 Lift Station Check-ups - The Doctor Is In - Kathleen Hassing.pdf
- E1 Small Utility uses MDV revised Jon Butt.pdf
- E2_PhosphorusTradingaRealWWTPSolution Eric Lynne.pdf
- E3 City of Tomah AM Greg Droessler.pdf
- E4 Oconomowoc Watershed Protection Program Key Factors - Tom Steinbach.pdf
- F-1MattJohnsonSouthBeloitWWOA.pdf
- F2- Municipal Wastewater Case Studies Ryan Hennessy.pdf
- F4-Toxicity in Wastewater Systems2996 v2 - Glenn Smeaton.pdf
- G1 RFP Process Thoune et.al.pdf
- G3RooftopFallProtection Penkwitz.pdf
- G4 Warrens hybrid tree irrigation October.pdf
- H1 Pressure Sewer Ed Dunn.pdf
- H3 Wipes Ready Technology Tim Miller.pdf
- H4 FOG Casey Furlong Presentation.pdf
- HTC R2- Steam Injection Nikhil Patole WWOA.pdf
- I1 Lagoon Solutions Tim Canter.pdf
- I2 Designing Lagoon Based Systems Nick Janous.pdf
- J1 WWOA October 2018- NR 149 Changes - Tom Trainor - 101818.pdf
- K1 Salem Lakes Regionalization Travis Anderson.pdf
- K2 Developing Successful Intermunicipal Agreements Taryn Nall.pdf
- L-1 RTC - Sludge Thickening LL (002) Inglewright McLiverty.pdf
- L-2 Case Study Biosolids Management Cost and Circular Economy - James Willson.pdf
- L3- Troubleshooting Microthrix - Troy Larson 2018 WWOA.pdf
- M1 Algae Based Nutrient Recovery Kucek Minnema.pdf
- M2 Using PACs to Achieve Low Level P Requirements Joseph Carlston.pdf
- N1_FreshWater_CFD_Rozumalski Jordan.pdf
- N2Influent Screening Evaluation and Implementation Williams Arnot.pdf
- P-1&2 WWOA Dig HSW panel.pdf
- Pre-Con 1 Lab Testing - Rick Mealy.pdf
- Q1-Optimizing-BPR-with-Inline-Fermentation - Greg Paul.pdf
- Q2Biological Phosphorus Removal in Oxidation Ditches Arnott Van Weelden.pdf
- R3- Biogas Systems Design Technical Paper PPT_WWOA Hanson Allen.pdf
- S2RandyChann.pdf WWOA - Private Well Basics - Wunderlich - Lehmann.pdf
- WWOA PbCu Overview Wunderlich - Lehmann.pdf
- WWOA presentation annual conference 2018.pdf
LMD Meeting - December
- Achieving Low Total Phosphorus with Cloth Media Filtration - Aqua-Aerobic Systems.pdf
- The Ins and Outs of a GIS System.pdf
- Aeration, Mass Transfer & Oxygen Transfer Efficiency - Redmon Eng.pdf
Government Affairs Seminar
- 1_Smudde_NEWWaterAM_GAS Presentation 2-22-18.pdf
- 2-KLake Government Affairs Feb 2018.pdf
- 3_Real World Example of Trading.Spilde.Anderson.pdf
- 3FW9372-GAS Presentation 2018 Variances.pdf
- 4_AutumnFisher_Gov Affairs FDL Presentation.pdf
- 6_Schaumberg_Central States Water Environment2.20.18.pdf
- CSWEA GAS TMDL Challenges (2018).pdf
- Government Affairs Seminar DNR Updates.pdf
- Legislative Update February 15 2018.pdf
- Nahan sock adran wels Government Affairs Seminar 2018.pdf
- NEW Water PCAP Gov Affairs 2018 V5 tws BD.pdf
- Variances_Govt_Affairs_2018_Final.pdf
Spring Biosolids Symposium
- 2 Spring Biosolids Symposium Land Application Mgt Plans.pdf
- 3 Soil Tests Biosolids Symposium.pdf
- 4 Wisconsin Nutrient Management.pdf
- 5 WLWCA Septage Spill Response 2018.pdf
- 6A Unloading at WWTPs.pdf
- 6B CL Septage Recieving.pdf
- 6C FH 2018_03_20 2018SBS s 281-49 Septage into POTW.pdf
- 8 Biosolids Symposium Common Compliance Violations 3-19-18.pdf
- 9 2018_03_20 2018 SBS Public Relations.pdf
- 9A Biosolids Symposium presentation public relations_2.pdf
- 9B Cody Biosolids-Public Relations.pdf
- 10 op cert springsymposium2018.pdf
- 11A Bytec BioSolids conference presentation_Feb 2018 w. notes.pdf
- 11B Digester Maintenance.ppt.pdf
- 11C WWOA 2018 Biosolids Symposium-Reed Bed Sludge Removal pres M0032-9180054 cto.pdf
- 12 2018_03_20 2018SBS DNR Update.pdf
- 2017
Annual Conference - Middleton
- 2017 WWOA Session J2- Phosphorus for Water Supply Impacts Wastewater - Mealy.pdf
- B-1 Lagoons SMS conference.pdf
- BNR No Chemical Phillips - Johnson.pdf
- F1 CWG- Reed Bed Wisconsin Presentation.pdf
- E1 Tim Nennig JonButt What we learned from our OER.pdf
- B2 Energy Savings at Ladysmith WWTP Upgrade - Gorsegner Doriott.pdf
- H2 FOE - CMAR Data Analysis PP - Cantwell.pdf
- E3 Gunderson 2017 WWOA - Brodhead P-Trading.pdf
- I1 Is It Really Cost-Effective to Use My Digester Gas - Schroedel.pdf
- L-1 Public Construction SMS conference.pdf
- M3 NEW Water Optimization v2.pdf
- D3 Manhole Assessment - Langer.pdf
- I2 Minimizing Mixing Energy in Activated Sludge Selector Basins 2017 10 19 WWOA R2 Arora Fischer.pdf
- N2 Utilizing Excess Capacity - Lefebvre.pdf
- H1 NR149 Changes - Geis.pdf
- G1 Phosphorus Removal at a Dairy WW plant.pdf
- Pre-Con 2017 MDL changes - Mealy.pdf
- C1 SCADA DATA - Getting Past the Trends - Finn.pdf
- A1 Septicity Organic Acids and Sulfide - Hennessy.pdf
- Farewell: The Gut Bug Connection - Paul.pdf
- C2 The times they are a changing - Muther Goehner.pdf
- E4 Travis Anderson. Water Quality Trading WWOA 2017.pdf
- Pre-Con WWOA Core Elements of a Successful Safety Program - Krueger.pdf
- M1 2017 WWOA Beloit 25 Years of Success v3 - Martin.pdf
- 2017 WWOA Session J1- Trace Metal Considerations when Phosphorus Removal Chemicals are Used - Mealy.pdf
Government Affairs Seminar
- Amanda Minks.pdf
- Angela James on TMDLs.pdf
- Brenna Stow Variances_Govt_Affairs.pdf
- David Strifling presentation 2-23-17.pdf
- GAS Thermal Discharge Strategies Knutson.pdf
- Jerry Deshcane GAS 2017.pdf
- John Koepke FFLC Power Point.pdf
- Kristi Minahan WQS RulesOverview_GovAffairsSem_2-23-2017.pdf
- Meeker WE&RF One Water_Madison Feb 2017 mm.pdf
- Pat Stevens EM Division Alignment Summary for Gov Affairs Seminar 2 23 17_WO Notes.pdf
- Sam Warp CMOM.pdf
- Sarah Yang WDNR_2017_GAS_RecreationUseRevisions_FINAL (SY170222).pdf
50th Anniversary Keynote Speakers
LMD Meeting - May
- MDV Presentation
- Polymer Concrete Products
- Safety Improvements to Existing Equipment and Safety Promotion Journey
Spring Biosolids Symposium
- 2016
50th Annual Conference - LaCross
- Duane Schuettpelz Keynote Presentation.pdf
- WWOA 50th Anniv Remarks - Gehin.pdf
- WWOA Evolution of Wastewater Keynote Presentation - Sedmak.pdf
- CMOM - What Next Joan Hawley.pdf
- Convert Activated Sludge to BPR-Greg Paul WWOA.pdf
- WWOA2016 - Fear No Lab Math2.pdf
- Aliquot Session B - 2 Not Your Typical Turbo Blower - Lintner-Lynne.pdf
- Aliquot Session E - 3 Biosolids Program Eval WalCoMet Foley-Ghavi Presentation 09072016_final.pdf
- Aliquot Session K -2 SCADA-PLC Latest Technology - Greeno-Kane.pdf
- Cold Weather Nitrification Denitrification in Lagoons - Marc Salmi.pdf
- Fine Bubble Retrofit Does It Again.pdf
- Replace or Rehab Digester Presentation - Mark Johnson.pdf
- Travis Anderson Waukesha Digestion Upgrades.pdf
- WWOA 2016 Treatment Facility Performance Optimization Using Automatic Control and Online Monitoring Bulbul Ahmed.pdf
- A.I.R. AIR VALVES and ENERGY SAVINGS - Sorenson.pdf
- Biomass O - 3 An Efficient Aeration Strategy Sits on a Three-Legged Stool_WJR.pdf
- Biomass Session C - 2 P deficit - Larsen.pdf
- Biomass Session F - 1 My Sewer System is 50 Years Old - Astfalk.pdf
- Biomass Session O - 2 Disposable wipes pump clogging.pdf
- Concrete and H2S Gas in Wet Wells and Tanks - 2016 WWOA - James Orr.pdf
- Lateral Lining vs. Grouting - Blazejovshy.pdf
- Proactive Approach to Chloride Reductions-Paddock Lake(Final-2016).pdf
- Sewer User Charge Presentation 2016.pdf
- Tricks of the Trades - Troy Larsen.pdf
- Working with your certified Lab - L2JeanBerniusAgSource.pdf
- 2016 WWOA Spray and Sub-Surface Effluent Irrigation as a Treatment Strategy.pdf
- 20161013-What-How-Why-Fractions-of-P Greg Paul.pdf
- Biological Phosphorus Removal Technology - Laschinger.pdf
- Bushby_Luke_OpCertRules.pdf
- Oconomowoc Watershed Protection Program WWOA Annual Conf 2016.pdf
- Plain English Guide to the MDV 09272016.pdf
- Rotifer Session A-2 Lab Reports.pdf
- The Phosphorus Journey - One Plant's Story - Arnott.pdf
- WWOA Fond du Lac P Pilot Studies.pdf
- WWOA October 2016 Nitrogen Removal Danbury.pdf
- WWOA, Receiving Water Quality Credits - Phase 2, October 2016.pdf
- Madison MSD PS 18_Case Study in Sustainability_AECOM-Lewis reduced size.pdf
Spring Biosolids Symposium
- 1-Beecher-WWOASpringBiosolidsSymposium-22Mar2016 2.pdf
- 2-Doug Soldat Biosolids Turf 2016 SBS.pdf
- 3-Jeff Smudde Silver Creek Update - 2016 SBS.pdf
- 4-Removing Phosphorus from Biosolids.pdf
- 5-Curt Czarnecki Kenosha Energy SBS Presentation.pdf
- 6-Spring Biosolids Sym Cramer Fond Du Lac.pdf
- 7-Chris Lefebvre Stevens Point HSW Digestion.pdf
- 8-Biosolids Symposium 2016 - Sheboygan WWTP 160318 - Final.pdf
- 9-Mike Penkwitz Plymouth HSW Digestion Final.pdf
- 10-2016 biosolids Ag Vehicle Laws.pdf
- 11-2016-March 22 SBS NITROGEN ISSUES.pdf
- 12-Warrner- Spring Biosolids Symposium 2015.pdf
- 13-2016-March-22 SBS DNR UPDATE.pdf
LMD Regional Meeting - Clintonville
- 2015
Annual Conference
- A1JosephCantwellTalk.pdf
- A3-Sid Arora-Power Load Profiling .pdf
- B1 Tischler-Radar level Measurement Wastewater Industry.pdf
- C1 MSL P Final for WWOA Conference.pdf
- C2 Fitzwilliams-Affordable Denitrification.pdf
- Cassity Doing Better.pdf
- D Jim Fischer WWOA 2015 Mixer_Positioning.pdf
- D-EnergySavings-Furst-WWOA-Oct2015.pdf
- E1-Fisher-Can you hear me now.pdf
- F Final Larson AS Troubleshooting Concerns.pdf
- F1Kim - Polymer Mixing.pdf
- G1 Thoune BNR_Energy Savings REV 10_5_15 revised.pdf
- H1 Hopkins KRMA Digester Improvements.pdf
- H2 - Converting Biogas into Energy and Vehicle Fuel.pdf
- I1- Is your lab SMART.pdf
- J-2 - Biological Nutrient Removal Challenges at Small WWTPs - Ellsworth WI.pdf
- J1 2015 WWOA Phosphorus - Phil Korth.pdf
- K1 Crouse EC Digester FINAL.pdf
- K2 LefebvreLynne-Maximizing High Strength Waste Addition.pdf
- L2-Morrow-Lodi Adaptive Management-10082015 1055-1145 am.pdf
- Low Level P Theater Lee.pdf
- M2-Maximize-Oxidation-Ditch-Bio-P-Performance-Vs-2.pdf
- M3-WWOA Presentation - Todd Latchaw.pdf
- Making the Most of Your Reissued WPDES Permit - Greve 100615.pdf
- N Sulfur SMS.pdf
- N2 - Ashland Force Main Assessment and Rehabilitation -October 2015.pdf
- N3- August-CMOM Case History Kiel, Wisconsin .pdf
- O1 Lynne-Operator Tips and Tricks.pdf
- Radio and cellular.pdf
- SCADA Upgrade-O-Rama - WWOA 2015.pdf
- VCW WWOA Annual Meeting - Dewatering Evaluations- October 2015.pdf
- WWOA 2015 Eau Claire Presentation v3 (final).pdf
- WWOA Energy Eval Jenkins.pdf
- WWOA EnviroMix Presentation.pdf
LMD Meeting - May
- Cassity BPR + Chem for Compliance.pdf
- Generator 101 Considerations.pdf
- Generator 101 Gas.pdf
- Going Mobile 2015.pdf
- Manitowoc WWTF Introduction.pdf
- Silver Creek Pilot Project - LMD Meeting - WWOA 5-21-15.pdf
Spring Biosolids Symposium
- 1-NR 151-BiosolidsSymposium2015
- 2-Biosolids Symposium 2015
- 4-WWOA Biosolids Symposium-Advanced ATAD at GCMW pres M0032-950054 cto
- 5-SteveR Biosolids Symposium
- 7-Marten 2015 SBS Presentation 031715
- 8-WWOA Biosolids Symposium-Reed Bed pres M0032-950054 cto
- 9-Granberg - Biosolids Symposium - Invasive Phragmites Impacts
- 11-Biosolids Presentation 3 13 15
- 12-2015 Biosolids Symposium - Haulers
- 14-Biosolid Symposium 3-17
- 15-2015 Biosolids Symposium - Wipes
- Region 5 perspective
- Williams_CSWEA_2015
Government Affairs Seminar
- Brian Deaner Rural Developement
- Brian Weigel Government Affairs DNR Update_Weigel 2015
- Deborah Nagle Municipal Update_Compilation FEB 2015
- Jane Carlson
- Jeff Smudde
- Jerry Deschane GAS presentation
- Jim Kleinschmidt Chlorides Regulatory and Successes
- Kathy Lake Government Affairs1
- Kristi Minahan
- Wisconsin River TMDL
- Riedel - govt affairs
- Robin Schmidt WDNR funding
- Tim Popanda
- Tom Stienbach
- 2014
Annual Conference
- 2014 Pollutant Based Utility Charge System
- 2014 WWOA Annual Conf-Risk Mitigation of Aging Electrical Infrastructure-JMM R4
- 2014 WWOA Annual Conf-SCADA Risks and Emerg Prepar-JMM R4
- A1 A Fly In Your Ointment KLS
- A1 BrianVanderLoop Force Main Pigging
- A1 DNASludge
- A1 Right Sizing Leon Downing
- A2E-Fisher-MakingEnergySavingsReality
- B1 Travis Anderson Waukesha Digestion Upgrades
- C1 Generator EPA Update and Standby Generator Design Tips
- C2 Travis Anderson Air Permitting
- CIPM Installation
- Columbus Wastewater Treatment Facility Aeration Upgrade-WWOA
- E2 Grooms Fischer An energy saving solution
- E3 - Schaefer West Bend Biogas
- F1 Doing SCADA Muther
- F2 WWOA Medford Energenecs
- F3_KNEELAND_NIST_Framework
- H2_OmarGadalla_Hybrid Sand Filter Presentation - Parkson v2
- J1DaveDiehlPhosphorus
- K1 ABCs of ORP in BPR Optimization Greg Paul
- M1 - Andrew Craven CMOM Presentation - Copy
- Microbiology Problems and Solutions
- More than lipstick - Rick Mealy
- N1TLarson Phosphorus
- N2 Eric Lynne - Proven Technologies - Effluent Filters to Achieve Low Level TP
- N2 Eric Lynne_Filtration or Equivalent_WWOA2014
- N3 Zakovec Cassity Janesville
- RLee WWOA Wisconsin River TMDL Dischargers Perspective
- WWOA 2014 M2-M3Presentation_Hawley-Saltes_V6
- NEW Water protecting our Water Resources The Future 10 8 14 Wisconsin Wastewater Operators Association Conference
Spring Biosolids Symposium
- 3-18-2014 Biosolids and P Impacts
- 2014 Spring Biosolids Struvite Harvesting
- Farm Digesters and Manure Management - Becky Larson
- BiosolidsSymposium-CAFO_P_Regs_Mar2014-AC
- CASA Kester Biosolids Management Update SBS 031814
- DNR Biosolids Update 3-17-2014
- Phosphorus Management Jeff Endres
- Septage Economics 3-18-14
- Warner--Spring Biosolids Symposium 2014
- Wisconsin Crop Production
- Wisconsin Soils and Biosolids
Government Affairs Seminar
- Adaptive Management County Perspective Greg Baneck
- DNR Update Brian Weigel
- Grande WQT and AM Pat Cardif
- Lodi Project Kurt Calkins
- Nutrient Progress Ben Grumbles
- P Removal Strand
- SSO CMOM Duane Schuettpelz
- SSO Rule Update 2014 Joan Hawley
- Technol Update-P Removal-Sam Jeyanayagam
- Upper Rock River Water Quality Project Erv Lesczynski
- Upper Rock River Water Quality 2 Erv Lesczynski
- Watershed Based Permitting Michael Hahn
- Watershed Projects Dennis Frame
- WI Scorecard Dan Thompson
- Yahara WINs Kathy Lake
- 2013
Annual Conference
- 2013 Finn Mobile Solutions Presentation
- 2013-WWOA-Arc Flash Presentation
- A1 Point Source Certification
- Advances in Control Strategies
- B1Sebold-Larson Early Steps Toward Meeting Lower P Effl Limits
- B3 Taming Biological Phosphorus Removal Effluent P-Spikes
- Biogas What is the Future
- D1Not your typical fine bubble retrofit - Grande
- D2Larson Drought Related AS Troubleshooting Concerns
- D3 Phil Korth
- D4 - Downing Aeration Discussion
- DWA-WWOA Presentation-20131024
- Effluent Phosphorus Control
- F1-A Lift Station Control Panel Design Review-WWOA 2013
- J1 Dave Diehl Phosphorus
- l 1 Watertown Adaptive Management
- Lagoons Effluent ToxicityWWOA Nelson Environmental Presentation
- M2 Fisher Up In The Clouds Computing
- Next Generation of MBBR Technology
- O3Pump repair options and alternatives
- Optimizing P removal at SS Veolia
- Protecting Concrete in Wastewater Environments revised
- Sustainable Treatment Processes
- WI River WWOA
- Youth Apprenticeship at New Water
Microbiology Training Sessions
- A Laboratory Program for Wastewater Microbiology_Short Version
- APPENDIX B - Filament Identification Guide
- Identification and Control of Filamentous Bacteria
- Wastewater Microbiology
Government Affairs Seminar
- Phosphorus_Limit_Variances_and_Avoidance_Strategies-Outline
- GAS_2013_-Gil__Lodi_P.pdf
- GAS_Air_Permitting_Requirements_for_Engines_and_Boilers_022813.pdf
- Gov_Affairs_Ken_Johnson2013.pdf
- Government_Affairs_Russ_Rasmussen_2013.pdf
- Govt_Affairs_Seminar_schuettpelz_2013_02_28.pdf
- Govt_Affairs_Seminar_Tom_Sigmund_Utility_of_the_Future_2-28-13.pdf
- Jeff_Endres_Government_Affairs_Presentation_02282013.pdf
- lieblWIGovAffairs2-18-13.pdf
- Minks.pdf
- Water_Quality_Trading_Kevin_Kirsh_Government_Affairs.pdf
- WIGovAffairs2-18-13.pdf
- Yahara_WINs__Kathy_lake_Government_Affairs97_2003.pdf
- 2012
Annual Conference
- A1 Larson Early P removal steps.pdf
- Session A1 Simple, Early Steps Toward Meeting Lower Phosphorus Effluent Limits.pdf
- Session B1 Preventive, Predictive, and Corrective Maintenance.pdf
- Session B2 Rehabilitating Clarifiers.pdf
- Session D1 Membrane Bioreactor Phosphorus Removal Demo Study.pdf
- Session D3 New Technologies eliminate Sludge Handling at Northern Moraine Utility Commission.pdf
- Session D4 Using Rotating Effluent Filters to Replace Sand Filters.pdf
- Session E1 Cutting Power Costs.pdf
- Session E2 Energy Savings- High Speed Blowers & Micro Turbines.pdf
- Session E3 & E4 Ops Spreadsheets Development & Application.pdf
- Session E3 Oconomowoc Sustainable Energy Savings Design.pdf
- Session E4 Plover, WI, Incorporting Energy Conservation into Plant upgrades.pdf
- Session F3 What is FOG and What are FOG Ordinances.pdf
- Session G1 Evaluation of an 'Off the Shelf' Automated Chemical Phosphorus Removal System.pdf
- Session G2 Phosphorus Removal Improvements, Evaluation of Carbon Addition, operational modifications, and filtrate treatment.pdf
- Session I2 Waste Product to Resource- Biosolids Handling at City of Wisconsin Rapids.pdf
- Session J1 Fermentation Enhanced Nutrient Removal at Janesville WWTP.pdf
- Session J2 Implementing and Troubleshooting Biological Phosphorus Removal.pdf
- Session K1 Using Spreadsheets for Trending, Troubleshooting, and Reports.pdf
- Session K2 Investigation of a WWTP upset.pdf
- Session L1 Changing O&M practices to get N&P Removal without Facility Upgrades.pdf
- Session M1 Biofilm Reactors- Operational Overview and Applications for Nutrient Removal.pdf
Government Affairs Seminar
- 2011
Annual Conference
- Session G1 Plain English Guide to the New Wisconsin Phosphorus Regs.pdf
- Session G2 TMDL's, Adaptive Management, and Training.pdf
- Session H2 Ammonia Removal and pH Adjustment in Aerated Lagoons.pdf
- Session I1 From clipboard to PDA - empowering the mobile workforce.pdf
- Session I2 Predictive Maintenance through Wireless Networks.pdf
- Session J2 Status of Phosphorus Regulations in Wisconsin.pdf
- Session K1 Co-generation at WWTPs- Case Studies.pdf
- Session K2 Dane County Biogas Vehicles Fueling- Pilot Project.pdf
- Session L1 Overview of Networks for Process Control Systems.pdf
- Session M3 Releasing Phosphorus from Waste Activated Sludge Grooms.pdf
- Session N1 Using Plant Effluent to Reduce Heating and Cooling Costs.pdf
- 2010
Annual Conference - Wisconsin Dells
- Improving Denitrification Using Carbon-Based Chemical Addition - Tom Fitzwilliams
- City of Westby SCADA - Seth Barstad
- Succession Planning - Troy Larson
- Energy Efficiency Modifications; Small Blowers, DO Control and VFDs - Kris August/Joe Cantwell
- Physical Security for Facilities - Christopher Haase
- Village of Menomonee Falls Automated Emergency Operations System - David Arnott
- Basic SCADA System Troubleshooting - David Beyer
- A PLC Overview for Non-I&C Engineers - Mike Minkebige
- Using SCADA to Reduce Energy Consumption and Optimize Operational Efficiencies - Eric Fisher
- GBMSD Sustainability - Lisa Evenson/Jon Butt
- F1 Wireless for On-Facility Monitoring and Control - Steve Kaminski
- Digester Foaming Case Studies - Ken Sedmak, Edward Nevers
- Industrial Pretreatment Challenges at a Beef Processing Facility - Larry Collins
- The Cost of Clean: 14 Years of Sewer Use Charges Trends in Wisconsin - Gil Hantzsch
- Biogas Treatment Systems - Connie Wilson/Jan Scott
- Lab Renovation at Walcomet - Peter Borgo
- Manhole Infiltration/Inflow-Proper Maintenance to Save on Your CIP - Jason Lietha
- Arc Flash Hazards in Plants - Joe Berktold
- Estimating and Controlling H2S in Municipal Interceptors - Bill Oldenburg/John Siczka
- Construction Issues at WWTPs; What the Owner/Operator Needs to Know - John Szwedo
- Innovative Mixing System - Nathan Qualls/G. Michael Furst
- InfraGard Community - Norman Arendt
- Arc Flash Awareness Training - Rick Edel
- Simple and Cost Effective Methods of Manhole Rehabilitation - Sacha Tetzloff
- Stevens Point Recycles, Reuses and Reaps the Benefits of Abandoned Infrastructure - Kim Halverson/Sandra Kimmler
- Remote Operation of Wastewater Treatment Facilities - Scott Mahnke
- Geothermal Systems for Heating and Cooling - Douglas Nelson/Greg Moser
- Nanotechnology and Wastewater Treatment - Kay Curtin
- Collection System Workshop - Joan Hawley
- Clearwater Sources On Private Property - Ron Dickrell
- Find It, Fund It, Fix It - Joan Hawley
- Three New Methods to Measure D.O. - Chris Scott
Become a Member
Becoming a member of WWOA provides many membership benefits including:
- Operator Seminars
- Scholarships & Tuition Aid
- “Clarifier” – our official educational publication
- Discounts on our Annual Conference and other programs
- Yearly awards recognizing professionalism and support in the wastewater field