The WWOA is comprised of wastewater treatment professionals who serve municipalities and industries throughout the State. Membership includes treatment plant operators, engineers, consultants, plant managers, equipment manufacturers, regulatory agencies, educators and students involved in the wastewater treatment industry. Our programs and seminars target wastewater treatment facilities in every region of the State.
The organization maintains an active web site that allows current and immediate access to many of the membership benefits. The training calender lists all wastewater and water training events in the State that have been coordinated with WWOA and other partnering agencies. Job postings are also popular. The "Tips & Ideas" section allows operators to exchange ideas and ask questions online. State and Regional Officer contacts are listed for your reference.
The WWOA holds an Annual Conference in October to provide training and exposure to new regulation, operational concepts and an assistance in understanding many technical subjects. It also provides an opportunity for wastewater treatment professionals to gather and exchange ideas on problem solving techniques. The Awards Banquet is an important part of the Conference. It provides the opportunity to recognize individuals for their outstanding contributions to the industry.
The WWOA conducts workshops alone and in conjunction with other organizations. The WWOA co-sponsors or participates in the Annual Government Affairs Seminar, Collection System Seminar and the Spring Biosolids Symposium. Other seminars are developed as needed to enhance the practical knowledge of the wastewater profession. Operator Training, which is designed to impart practical knowledge of everyday operation, is supplied through the Regional Organizations. It affords the Certified Operators an opportunity to fulfill their continuing education requirements. Hands on seminars are another source of practical operator training.
The WWOA has six Regional Associations affiliated with its Statewide Organization. The Regional Associations function within the WWOA framework yet are encouraged to develop programs and training geared to meet the needs of their specific regions. Each region has its own officers who work with the State Board of Directors to provide high quality regional meetings and a successful Annual Conference. Membership in the WWOA gives individuals an opportunity to work with professionals in their geographic area through the quarterly meetings conducted by each region.
Membership Categories
ACTIVE MEMBER: Active members are dues paying members who can hold office and are eligible for all WWOA benefits. Membership is non-transferable to another individual.
REGIONAL MEMBER: Are members who are active in Regional affairs but are not dues paying members of the WWOA.
HONORARY MEMBER: Any active member can be elected to an Honorary Membership through special recognition and approval procedures. An Honorary Member is not required to pay dues.
LIFE MEMBER: Individuals with 25 or more years of active membership are eligible to become Life Members. All Life Members required to pay dues at a reduced rate. Any Life Member that wishes to hold elected office will have to become an Active Member paying full membership dues.
STUDENT MEMBERSHIP: Individuals currently enrolled as a full-time student in a college degree program.
STUDENT SCHOLARSHIPS: The WWOA provides an opportunity for members and their families to receive scholarship grants toward higher education.
TUITION AID is available to WWOA members who are in the process of furthering their education by attending college classes, correspondence courses or advanced seminars.
THE "CLARIFIER" is the official educational publication of WWOA. It is published five times per year and provides educational material to the membership. It is the primary communication tool of the organization.
MEMBERSHIP DIRECTORY contains contact information on individual members and their plants.
Provides annual recognition of an operator in each region for high quality plant operation and professionalism in the wastewater treatment field.
Recognizes an individual who supports and promotes the WWOA organization.
Recognizes exemplary professionalism in the wastewater field of operation.
Recognizes excellence in the transfer of technical information and conducting training in the wastewater field.
Personal Growth - Professional Growth - Outstanding Fellowship - Networking Opportunities
WWOA members take great pride in being the working hands and minds of Wisconsin's water quality protection efforts.
WWOA - Working through Education.
WWOA - Working through Regional Organizations.
WWOA - Working through and for its Members.