WWOA has lost one of its founding members, Peter J. Albers Jr., on August 28th, 2024. Our thoughts and prayers are with his family.

Please see here a link to the official Obituary: https://www.myrhum-patten.com/obituary/Peter-AlbersJr

WEFTEC is more than just a conference—it’s an immersive experience that empowers attendees to positively impact the future of water quality and environmental sustainability.

Join us to explore cutting-edge solutions, connect with sector leaders, and drive sustainable change. With expert insights, unparalleled networking opportunities, and groundbreaking innovations, WEFTEC empowers you to tackle today's challenges and shape the future of water and the environment.

Full Article: https://www.weftec.org/about/about-weftec/?gad_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAjwreW2BhBhEiwAavLwfME2PIlZ8sEAiS1KjMkO_mXp170FFT2Iel5cHcP-kubJJOPwXsn8hhoC8GQQAvD_BwE

Don't wait to get your DNR Credits!

The DNR is about 30 days behind in approving credits and trainings. Sign up for trainings ASAP. Find training opportunities on our event calendar here

The DNR Operator Certification Program is contacting active operators to inform you that we are currently experiencing staff shortages due to rapid turnover within our program. All paperwork and email/phone correspondence has been delayed. We apologize for any inconvenience these delays may have caused you or your business operations.

A new research facility may help improve how wastewater is treated in Milwaukee and beyond.

The Milwaukee Metropolitan Sewerage District has announced its plans to build a state-of-the-art research facility to test new clean water technologies that will make wastewater treatment more efficient, helping to improve public health and drinking water supplies. The $13 million research facility will be built at the South Shore Reclamation Facility in Oak Creek. Construction is slated to begin in 2026.

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