December 2024 - Marc Stephanie

Presidents Message: Giving Thanks and Encouraging a Future of Continued Growth within the WWOA
As we transition from the end of 2024 and look toward the new year, I am excited and honored to take on the role as your WWOA president. I have been part of the wastewater industry for over 20 years and during this journey, have witnessed many generations of exceptional board members and vendors develop and contribute to the legacy of what the WWOA stands for. I strive to continue to build this legacy for the future generations to come.
Before we can move forward with future growth, I would like to take a moment to thank key participants that have made not only the 2024 year successful, but also years prior.
To our board members (both current and past): Thank you for your hard work, dedication, and stewardship to this organization. Your role is critical to not only maintaining the mission of our organization, but its financial success.
To our vendors, sponsors, and consultants: Thank you for volunteering your time and supporting our major events throughout the year by hosting activities and contributing to our educational fund.
To our attendees and your communities: Thank you for pursuing your continued professional development by attending and participating in our annual conference. We would also like to thank your communities for valuing this educational/networking opportunity. By supporting your time away from work, you are able to develop and implement new ideas and processes within your own municipalities.
Most importantly, we would like to thank all the volunteers that commit valuable time and energy into creating an educational and enjoyable event for all involved.
In the spirit of the holiday season, I invite operators to continue to volunteer within your communities and within our organization. Donating your time and talent is an essential building block for maintaining the WWOA’s continued growth, longevity, and the level of service we contribute back to you as its members. Infusion of new ideas and fresh perspectives are crucial in keeping this organization relevant and effective and I welcome all within our profession to contribute.
From my family to yours, we wish you a Happy Holiday season!