Dave Carlson
September 2011
It’s the end of July now and by the time you receive “The Clarifier”, it will only be a few weeks before the 45th Annual Conference in La Crosse. I am looking forward to another great conference in La Crosse and want to thank Wade Peterson, Technical Program Committee Chair for all his hard work and dedication to making it happen. A special thanks to everyone willing to give of their time and talents to the WWOA making it the successful event it is, year after year.
A very memorable part of being the WWOA President has been travel to the Regions to attend your meetings. To date I have attended the Lake Michigan Region’s meeting in New Holstein, the Southern Region’s meeting in Wisconsin Dells, the North West’s Region in Chetek, and the North Central Region’s meeting in Rosholt. The agendas at all of these meeting were great. The Regions continue to do a fantastic job. We must never forget they are the backbone of the WWOA. To all the officers and members I met, thank you for your hospitality and all you do in providing training to our members. I plan in August on attending the South East Region meeting in Jackson and in September West Central’s meeting in Spring Valley.
My term as WWOA President is moving to it’s end. This has been a very rewarding experience for me both personally and also professionally. I highly encourage you to volunteer as an officer for your region or you may want to get started hosting a regional meeting. They are many ways to get involved. Talk to a Regional Officer or WWOA Director. Help is always appreciated. Every year the WWOA Board of Directors has at least one director position available to consider as well. You will meet many very talented professionals in the wastewater industry and your personal and professional network will grow eminencely.
At the annual conference’s banquet, I will be ending my term as I hand the gavel over to my friend, Randy Thater of Waukesha. Many of you remember the great job Randy did as the WWOA Regional Coordinator. As your new President, I know Randy will continue to steer the WWOA in a positive direction and do great things for our organization.
In addition, I wish to thank Richard McKee, Executive Secretary, for his support and guidance throughout the year. And also I thank the WWOA Board of Directors for their support.
It is with great pride and appreciation to have been your President and represented the WWOA over the past 12 months.
Hope to see you at the Annual Conference in La Crosse!
All the best to you……
Dave Carlson
WWOA President