Past Presidents have often said the same thing in their final message. They are correct in saying, ‘Time sure flies!’

As I write this less than two months remain in my term as President of this extended family. Connected only by the desire to do our best for our communities, clients, and the environment in which we spend so much of our free time.

Knowledge has a lot to do with our ability to achieve our goals. This year’s conference has many opportunities to gain that knowledge, starting Tuesday evening with the Meet and Greet. The conference kicks off with our Keynote speaker Dr. Glen Daigger who is President and founder of One Water Solutions LLC. The conference ends Friday morning with the complimentary breakfast, where the speaker will be Amy Garbe from the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources speaking about PFAS activities around the state. In between those things the days are filled with many technical sessions. Jeremy Cramer should be commended for the work he did to put this training together. Thank him when you see him.

Don’t forget to visit the exhibit hall to talk to the vendors and sponsors. Much of WWOA’s ability to offer training comes from the involvement of these individuals. Take time to talk to as many of them as you can. Visit the WWOA website to get all of the details and to register for the conference.

A couple of final thoughts before I sign off.

I am always amazed at the opportunities and experiences that being involved in WWOA has provided me. I encourage everyone to get involved in the organization. Serving as Regional officer, running for a position on the Board of Directors, or even hosting a regional meeting. Don’t worry about having to do it alone. Help is always there for the asking. I want to thank everyone that helped me when I needed it. From the encouragement offered early in my career to Board members who answered emails while I was still trying to figure out the best way to answer the question. (My wife read this and said ‘Don’t forget about me!’) Special thanks to Terese, who at the time of the conference, will have been married to me for 40 years. You may see her working in registration at the conference. She accepts condolences.

Thank you for letting me serve as President of this great organization.

Take care, I look forward to seeing you.

Don Lintner

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