Good day to everyone from the soon to be Past-President of the best wastewater organization in the United States. I have read many a President’s final letter in the Clarifier and was always amazed how each one mentioned how fast the time has moved on. Well, they are all right. I have had an awesome year visiting all the Regions throughout the State. Everyone has been so friendly and eager to talk about our organization. The technical sessions and plant tours were just packed full of information to help all of us be better at what we do. That’s right, clean up our precious and limited fresh water supply. Be proud, it is the most important job in the world and everyone of you are great at what you do. Treatment, design, supply and education are the key to our business and our organization. Keep up the good work!
Speaking of education, the 52nd Annual Conference at the Grand Geneva Resort, Lake Geneva is just around the corner. The sessions are set, the arrangements are made and the exhibit halls are full. This is a new venue for the WWOA and it looks to be one of the best conferences yet. The website ( is waiting to take your registrations. Plan your trip, you will not be disappointed. It is a beautiful area and the scenery is spectacular. Don’t forget about the Pre-Conference activities. The golf outing, sporting clays, bike riding plus the pre-con workshops. If you can’t come until later, join us at the Meet and Greet Tuesday night to hook up with everyone you haven’t seen since last year. I hope to see you all there!
With all the excitement of the coming Convention, there is some more somber news I must deliver. Leo Templeton, a very close friend to many and one of the founding fathers of our great organization past away July 2, 2018 at the young age of 96. We should all strive to be as committed to our profession as Leo. Last year at the Annual Conference, Leo and his close friend Pete Albers, received 50-year Conference Attendance awards. What will you be doing when 50 years of service come around? Stay active and keep coming to the Annual Conference and talk to the many friends you have made through the best business in the world.
It would like to thank all of the Board of Directors I have served with through the years. You have all given me help and advice when it was needed. A special thank you to Karen Harter who has become a very good friend of mine. You have helped me to grow, learn and stay on the right path. When you accepted the job to be our Executive Secretary, none of us knew how much work was involved. You came in with an open mind, and our organization has benefitted from your expertise. We are still a growing and flourishing organization because of your eagerness to help us be better. Keep the faith!
The WWOA has given a lot to me through the years. Friends that will last a lifetime and memories that will always make me smile. I want to thank all of you for the honor and privilege of serving on the Board of Directors. It is something I will never forget. This is not a farewell, but rather a moving on to the next part of my time with the WWOA, the best group of people in the world!
Jeff Bratz, President WWOA