President's Message
Kelly Zimmer
Baraboo, Wisconsin
April 2015


My personal take on the four seasons is that summer is nice, but, it can be hot and very dry, winter is just plain cold and nothing seems to work right {hibernation time for me}, fall colors are beautiful, but, my favorite time of year is spring… everything becomes ‘fresh’ and new growth appears.  It’s the time of year to get back outside, crack a window or two and refresh.

At the Government Affairs seminar this past February, someone came up to me and said they really liked my article in the last Clarifier issue.  They mentioned that they would like to see more operators write articles.  I said “Well, I am an operator”, they were very surprised to hear that… and to be honest, I was surprised that they didn’t know.  The Clarifier staff is always looking for information.  If we as operators could take the short amount of time to share some information, even a small article stating something you did to improve some sort of treatment process or efficiency at your facility, it would be very beneficial.  
Have you thought of anyone who deserves one of the many WWOA awards?  I feel like a broken record here because I know I have said this many times The Awards chairperson, Lyle Lutz, still has not received any nominations.    I realize that we have a couple months to submit the information, but, why wait?  The qualifications and forms can be easily found on our WWOA website.  
What about running for the State Board of Directors? Being a member of this organization is great!  And being a member of the State Board of Directors is even better!  There will be at least one opening on Thursday, October 8th, 2015.   Contact Kevin Freber if you are interested in taking advantage of this opportunity.
How about taking advantage of our college tuition aid or nominating someone for a scholarship?  Many years in the past there is no one who submits for the tuition aid – I have to ask why?  It’s available … why not?  Again, this information can be found on the website and the chairperson is Don Lintner. 
My last request for this article – the Operators’ Competition.   Over the past few years, our number of teams has grown (I personally believe this is due to the fact that Jeff Bratz coordinates a very well planed competition).   Last year I received many positive comments from team members after the competition was over.  I know it will be even better this year – what are you waiting for?  
On February 12th, Sharon Thieszen, WWOA Vice President and Technical Chair, pulled together a talented bunch of members to help create an information-packed technical program.  The tour this year will be at the Wisconsin Dells-Lake Delton Wastewater Treatment Facility.  And Randy Herwig has chosen the Tuesday golf outing to be held at the Reedsburg Country Club. Keep your eyes open for more information on the conference in the upcoming months. 
I will be attending several of the Regional Meetings  throughout this year, and I look forward to see many members.  The quality of the Regional Meetings that the Regional Officers put together is exceptional.  They do a great job in putting their agendas together and offer excellent training opportunities for a small fee.   For those members who are unable to attend the more expensive training opportunities, please remember your local meetings are a great opportunity to receive quality training for a reasonable cost.  
In closing, I am very excited for what the Spring season brings.  I’m looking forward to getting out and getting dirty planting my gardens, and doing some morel mushroom hunting.  I hope everyone has a wonderful Easter and has a terrific spring season!

Kelly, WWOA President

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