President's Message
Kelly Zimmer
Baraboo, Wisconsin
February 2015
Did anyone make a New Year resolution for 2015? Seems I have made them in the past, but have a hard time sticking with them. This year I am determined to make some changes in my life. I will make more time to spend with my daughters and my husband Andy. Time goes so fast & life is a gift - enjoy each and every minute you can.
Seems the weather was not real winter-like for Wisconsin until the new year. Now it's returned with a vengeance to remind us just how brutal it can be. With this cold weather, challenges increase for all types of treatment facilities. It doesn't matter what size the facility, things just don't want to operate biologically and/or mechanically when it is cold (myself included!). Personal risks increase as far as slips and falls, and fatigue can play a major role during the shorter and colder days. Remember to take the time to ensure your safety.
Upcoming training opportunities are posted on our WWOA website ( Several Regional meetings are listed. The Government Affairs seminar is on Thursday, February 26th at the Marriott Madison West in Middleton, and on March 17th, the Spring Biosolids Symposium will be held at the Holiday Inn in Stevens Point. Thanks to all who put in effort to make these training opportunities available to our members.
Speaking of the WWOA Website, we are working with our website designers to bring an improved site, both in functionality and with an all new visual look in the near future. One of our aims is to make the website more usable on mobile devices. The toolbar and menu items will be streamlined, and navigation around the website will be much more user friendly. We are working to have this completed in time for the 2015 Conference registration.
Sharon Thieszen, WWOA Vice President and 2015 Technical Chair, has been actively getting things in line for the upcoming 2015 Conference to be held at the Kalahari in Wisconsin Dells from October 6th through the 9th, 2015. Don't forget to make your hotel reservations. Information for reservations is also available on our website.
I would like to remind all of you to please take some time to think of someone who could be nominated for one of our many WWOA awards. The nomination forms are on the WWOA website and very easy to fill out. There are so many deserving people, and it baffles me that we do not receive more nominations each year. Being the Awards Committee Chair last year, I experienced first hand what emotions were felt when a nominee was called to come up and accept their award. If you need assistance, please contact Lyle Lutz.
Also, it's never too early to start planning for the 2015 Operators' Competition. The last couple years we have had many teams participate and Jeff Bratz coordinates great activities for the competition. I would ask that the Regional directors start thinking of assembling a team to participate in the 2015 competition.
Is it too early to say 'think Spring'? Stay safe and until next time, take care!
WWOA President