Kevin Freber
Watertown, Wisconsin
February 2013
Now that the Holidays are over I hope everyone had a great time getting together with friends and Family. Well the winter season has hit with some teeth this year and we are seeing actual school closings due to extreme temperatures. I hope everyone’s plant is functioning properly in the extreme cold. The Board Meeting in December was the kickoff meeting for the New Year with the Budget and new Board member assignments the main topic. The Budget got passed and committee reports were accepted. Lyle Lutz the 2014 Technical Chair has been getting things together for the 2014 Conference in Green Bay, October 7- 10. Don’t forget to make your hotel reservations. As of today he has 64 presentations submitted for around 38 time slots. Thanks to everyone who submitted a presentation. Lyle has a keynote speaker picked and also has the entertainment selected for after the awards banquet.
Speaking of the Awards Banquet how many of you have actually put in the time to nominate one of your peers for an award. Think about the people you work with or know from another facility. The nomination forms are on the WWOA website and very easy to fill out. Being the Awards Committee Chair last year I got to see firsthand the emotion on the winner’s faces when their peers called their name to come up and accept their award. So please nominate someone today!! Contact Kelly Zimmer if you need assistance.
I see the February and March training calendar is getting filled up so don’t forget to attend your regional meeting. Also February 27th the Government Affairs seminar is being held at the Marriott Madison West in Middleton and March 18th the Biosolids Symposium in being held at the Holiday Inn Stevens Point. Great job everyone who participated is getting this training out for our members.
Well that’s all I have for you now, Take Care
WWOA President