Dave Carlson
April 2011

The main topic of discussion these days is the Governor’s Budget Repair Bill and how it’s going to effect all of us. Along with this is what may happen to implementation of the phosphorus rule, the thermal rule, and the sanitary sewer overflow rule. The Governor’s position will definitely slow up the process. One thing is certain, that change is eminent and out of our control.

As I am writing this message, it is early March and snowing. The temperatures are becoming milder and like most operators I have concern regarding a quick melt and high flows to the plant. We certainly can’t do much about the weather but we can be ready and prepared with lift stations and pumps maintained and available as necessary. My son Chris, a Boy Scout would say “Be Prepared”.

On February 16th our Technical Program Committee met in Tomah, Wisconsin to review 61 papers submitted and chose the best of the best for our conference in October. Thirty five papers were selected and a great program was developed. Much credit needs to be given to Wade Peterson, this years Vice President and Technical Program Committee Chair, along with all the committee members.

On February 24th the Government Affairs Seminar took place in Middleton, Wisconsin. I wasn’t able to attend this year, but I understand the program was very impressive as usual. Thanks to WWOA Directors Kevin Freber and Dale Doerr, who serve on the Government Affairs committee.

During February I had the chance to attend the scheduled Southern and Lake Michigan Region meetings. The Regional Officers did an outstanding job with the agendas for both meetings Excellent training at a very reasonable cost to our members. Thank you….

February 24th and 25th, the WWOA exhibited at the Annual Wisconsin Guidance Councilor Conference in Stevens Point. WWOA Director Lyle Lutz and myself represented the WWOA and promoted careers in wastewater treatment. With many of us retiring in the next several years there is concern in having enough trained professionals to fill the openings.

Up and coming is the 29th Annual Spring Biosolids Symposium on March 22nd. Another great agenda planned. Thanks to WWOA Director Dennis Egge for serving on the program committee.

Remember to go to the WWOA website for the latest on all the scheduled training events. The website address is WWW.WWOA.ORG. WWOA Director Kelly Zimmer is the Regional Coordinator this year and is planning on attending many of your Regional Meetings throughout the state. Please feel free to contact Kelly or myself as questions develop.

I wish everyone a Happy Easter!

Until next time, all the best to you,

Dave Carlson
WWOA President

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