06/25/2021: The Natural Resources Board approved the Emergency Rule to allow for online exams administered by a third party organization. As part of the next step in the rule revision process, the department is seeking your advice on the economic impacts of the proposed permanent rule.

The department has developed a draft Economic Impact Analysis (EIA) and is holding a public comment period to solicit any additional information or advice on the economic effect of the proposed rules. Note that a separate public comment period on the rule itself will be held after the economic impact analysis has been finalized.

Materials for review may be found on the DNR's website at https://dnr.wisconsin.gov/news/input/ProposedPermanent.html under NRB Order Number WY-27-20. Comments will be accepted from 6/24/21 to 7/24/21.

Please direct any comments on the EIA or questions to:

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