WEFTEC is more than just a conference—it’s an immersive experience that empowers attendees to positively impact the future of water quality and environmental sustainability.

Join us to explore cutting-edge solutions, connect with sector leaders, and drive sustainable change. With expert insights, unparalleled networking opportunities, and groundbreaking innovations, WEFTEC empowers you to tackle today's challenges and shape the future of water and the environment.

Full Article: https://www.weftec.org/about/about-weftec/?gad_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAjwreW2BhBhEiwAavLwfME2PIlZ8sEAiS1KjMkO_mXp170FFT2Iel5cHcP-kubJJOPwXsn8hhoC8GQQAvD_BwE

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